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Impressive little comic selection there! Doesn't seem like it's as big a thing here, it's hard to find local productions, and it's not as much of an art form (comics are cheaper overall, and it shows in the drawings/paper quality/everything) but American comics... man those are hella expensive everywhere!

Curious about that mini Gameboy clone - what does it do? Actually play the actual games...?

Yeah, self-published/indie comics make up a pretty small group overall. They can be hard to find if you don't know where to look, so good thing I'm able to go to Armageddon every year haha. The Marvel comics I bought were pretty good price-wise too, the Spider-Man ones were 8 for $20!

As for the Gameboy clone, it's called the Game Box Mini Clear. There's 26 games you can play (though some of the games are very similar to each other). They're very simple, but still pretty cool. For example, there's a racing game where you have to avoid the other cars, kinda like Crazy Taxi or something. You can adjust the difficulty level of each game too. It's pretty impressive considering it's such a small console

Every year huh, how many years has it been now? And man that's pretty cheap after all! I guess American imports are another level over here. The second-hand price per piece is easily $10-20. Swedish ones: $1 or less. So my collection does have certain bias. :P

Ah giving it a Google it turns out it's even smaller than it seemed to be in that image there! All the classics like Tetris and Breakout (or clones thereof) too I assume. :) Reminds me of the Pocket Watch stuff they had back in the day, though anything that looks and even sorta works like a GB but isn't: way cooler.

I've been going for nearly 10 years but it's been going on since 1995 apparently. It keeps getting bigger every year.

Yeah, it's not too bad haha, though the bigger the comic book, the more expensive it is. It sounds like it might be cheaper for you to purchase your comics overseas because damn, that isn't affordable at all.

Surprisingly it doesn't have Tetris, but it does have a Breakout and Frogger clone. It was pretty cheap for a Gameboy clone too, the other clones I've seen have cost around $60, but this was $16

Oh man that's a long time. :O Impressive.

Yeah, seems so. Could maybe 'save in' a vacation cost to the US on a bag packed with comics hmm... assuming people actually buy them here. :) With these prices I really don't know. Managed to get a little limited Venom comic along with that movie though so there's something...

How could they miss that one game that seems to be on pretty much anything like this! XD Definitely reasonable price though, and Frogger used to be a major addiction back in the day, even bought a small console shaped like a frog with it. Good stuff.

That could be a fun idea, you could backpack around the states with a stack of comics haha. Is the Venom comic any good? I'm not planning on seeing the movie, to be honest.

It is a bit disappointing, but I'm still glad I bought it, especially considering the price and because aesthetically it's cool as fuck.

Did the console cost much?

Haha yeah, that too! I was thinking take a trip to US -> buy comics -> bring back a bag of those and sell them here, but that might work too... how's the market for European stuff over there? Well it was a really short one shot one loosely based on the movie itself, but pretty well-drawn. I took a small bundle to give away. Not sure it'll ever become a collectors item though, it wasn't THAT high quality. And just maybe 20-30 pages.

As for the movie I was actually a bit disappointed, thus far Marvel's really been pushing things further and further with each one but this time... they didn't really manage. The hybrid horror/comedy just comes across wrong sometimes, and characters didn't have time to develop at all. So you're not missing anything great, though if I didn't have so high expectations I'd probably enjoyed it anyway. Been waiting on the day they couldn't keep getting better and better and I guess this was it. though the critics seem to disagree with me.

Yeah the aesthetics are beyond comparison there. :D Do you happen to collect old consoles otherwise too? Any old official GB stuff?

Hmm I have no idea really, so long ago now... I remember buying it at Radio Shack in Costa Rica though, it was a special moment. Hey looks like it might've turned into a collectors thing now, this was it: https://www.ebay.com/itm/VINTAGE-HANDHELD-GAME-FROG-CROSSING-RADIO-SHACK-FROGGER-COLLECTIBLE-BAT-OPER-/270540235257

I have no idea what the market's like to be honest. I just focus on the comics themselves because that sorta stuff just goes right over my head.

It's good to hear that the Venom comic isn't too bad though, it sounds like it's better than the movie itself haha. Venom is my favourite Spider-Man villain after all, so I might watch the movie at some point and find some enjoyment in it. It's just annoying that it isn't part of the MCU like it should be. Oh well.

No I don't collect old consoles, but I used to have a Gameboy Advance when I was 6 or 7, along with some games. Then my mum gave them away because I used it too much lmao. Not gonna lie, I'm still salty about that.

Shit, that's $90 NZD. I don't know how people can afford to collect things like that. Yeah it looks cool, but I would never pay that much just for a tiny console haha

As much as I love immersing myself in the worlds of others... I'm kinda unintentionally financially aware at all times too. XD Thinking: hmm is there a business opportunity in this...? Not that I usually jump on the opportunities I get/find any particularly good ones, but just can't get rid of that thought process.

Hah yeah, maybe. XD It highlighted the better parts of it. It felt rushed too but at the same time that didn't bother so much when it was entirely built upon glimpses. Ah, it won't be becoming a part of the MCU either? That's a shame. Was thinking maybe the newer Spider-Man movies would turn out pretty differently now that Venom was re-introduced, and (spoiler) not much of a villain after all. In this movie.

Maaan you had a GBA that far back! XD I remember first getting a GBC when I was maybe 12-13... and actually traded myself a whole original GB (+ Donkey Kong) for a Pokemon card a bit before that. Think it was a Zapdos. Jumped on the GBA soon as I could, moved onto NDS Lite later on; started collecting the ones I'd missed when ironically no longer had time to play any of them. :) Currently have the whole handheld series up to 3DS, and some duplicates too. 4-5 GBA's. For a while they were going pretty cheap second-hand! Could get them for less than $10 a piece. In good shape. Seems they're more of a cult thing now.

Also yeah I'd be pretty salty about that too. XD I don't forget things like that! Only time I remember that happening though was with this worn-out, somewhat outgrown, bright green jacket... still miss that jacket.

Well you gotta buy them when they're cheap; make sure nobody gives them away. :) I think it was pretty cheap when I bought it. Had a pretty humble allowance back then. Even now I usually wait a while before I buy anything new, until popularity drops a bit; prices ditto. It's all about buying stuff when it's the least appreciated; suddenly the surplus outweighs the demand and everyone wants to get rid of theirs. That way you're always oldskool, too. No matter what the next gen is. :P

Also just realized you live in NZ! If I saw that before I must've taken NZ for a state. That's a pretty awesome place isn't it? Did you grow up there too? Feel like I might have known this before but: short-term memory...

Better than being financially unaware I guess haha. That's probably a good mindset to have. And well at least I don't think it will become part of the MCU? I firmly believe that you can't have Venom without Spider-Man, so it sucks that it's been changed. I really hope this version of Venom doesn't join the MCU, to be honest, but I do trust Marvel and their decisions anyway.

I think you got that bad end of the deal with trading your GB! You're lucky to own all of the handhelds though, they're not easy to get your hands on nowadays. I had the DS Lite too, until it broke along with the Yoshi's Island DS game. RIP. I still have Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time, Nintendogs and Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends for it at least and they still work really well. Sorry about your jacket though! Sucks when stuff like that happens.

That's a good point. Maybe my Game Box Mini will become a collectors item in 10 years, who knows?

Yes! Born and bred here haha. It is a nice place to live, despite its downsides

Ah yeah, it's probably a good trait to have. :) Just seems fun being able to not care so much; spend that $$$ on whatever you feel like without feeling like it's a missed opportunity. Hmm yeah... maybe Venom and Spider-Man could team up though; start up a spin-off group of Avengers and tackle the nefarious elements of the city by themselves. :P Whatever they decide though I'm hyped to see it.

No no I mean I traded my card FOR a GB (+ Donkey Kong). That's the good end right? :) Well they're still not that hard to get here, but prices are higher. Are you thinking new products though, or second-hand? Ebay is still packed with this stuff! Some games are getting really hard to get though. Castlevania, Advance Wars... the not as mainstream but amazingly good ones. Ah I played through one of the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon's a while back actually, started a bit late. XD Still a lot of fun though. So different from the usual games. Those other ones still working... must mean you still have some console though? And thanks. :) I'm not as attached to that memento as it might've sounded like though. It's OK!

For sure, and the more unusual the better! :D

Awesome. :) The downsides though... what could those be? Side-effects of tourism? Exploitation?

Yeah that's true. Eh, it might happen. Even though I'm not happy with Sony having their own universe or anything, I'm sure Marvel will know what to do.

OH right haha. Well since that's the case then you got a good deal! Both new and second-hand products seem to be fairly expensive here from what I've seen. Not a Gameboy game, but I saw someone selling Pokemon Soul Silver for $100 once. What a rip off haha. And yes, I have a New Nintendo 3DS XL, I've had it since 2015. It's in okay condition, but the battery is shit now unfortunately. I'll have to get another 3DS or even a 2DS at some point.

Just the usual stuff haha. High petrol prices, house prices and rent are insane in parts of the country, useless justice system etc. I still love living here though. Every country has their own problems

Sony have their own universe...? Seems I'm out of the loop there!

Oh holy hell. XD Yeah that's overkill. Pokemon games seem like some of those titles that never really go down in price, but you can get most ones for around $10-20 here at the right time, older ones a little lower. Ah cool, the XL version's not in my collection yet. :) Still running the original. I've been contemplating getting a 2DS just to get them all but not sure it'd be all that fun to play with. Thoughts? Or were you plotting buying that more because: lower price? I'm still mostly stuck on my DS Lite though. Advance Wars. A few hundred hours in and still not done with it. :)

Ah yeah, that sounds relatable. :D I guess you have way higher property prices than we do though. Must be a lot of people wanting to move there. Can anyone move there btw? Any restrictions on such things? For sure, Sweden's not as good as it used to be either but it's still something special. :) Love the nature most of all. The politics and social order eh... maybe we'll get back to our heyday of old some day...

Yep, they do! I think they're planning on making a Morbius and Black Cat movie eventually.

Yeah, it sucks that older Pokemon games are so expensive! You're lucky that they're so cheap where you are. I really want to get the DS games at some point though despite the prices, like Heart Gold/Soul Silver and Diamond/Platinum. I'll get a 3DS/2DS before mine eventually dies haha, but the lower price is nice too.

I think anyone can move here? I'm not sure. All I know is that a lot of people are unhappy about people moving here. People keep saying, "the foreigners are stealing our jobs and houses!" which is annoying to see. Sweden seems like a nice place to visit though. The scenery looks nice judging from a Google search haha

Oh that's cool! Looking up Sony's Universe though... it's Sony's MARVEL Universe? Are any of these characters exclusively Sony or did they just buy into this? I've always been just differentiating between Marvel and DC.

Ah yeah, HeartGold's my favorite yet. :) Gold was the first one I played back in the day. Have so great memories with that one - and this one's pretty much the same thing but so much better! Nostalgia and improvements all in one. Apart from the very earliest ones it doesn't seem like they ever make a bad game. Getting a bit much with the latest though. IMO. I'd settle for just a few hundred species. Alright, whichever it happens to be then. :) The XL looks great though. I'm keeping an eye out for a cheap one if I find it. Curious which game was your first, Pokemon-wise?

You know this all sounds really familiar! People are moving in here too, and all people aren't all too happy about everyone moving in... property prices have been rising, unemployment's been high... but all I knew about NZ before this convo was basically the view too. XD Grass is greener on the other side huh. Really hope to take a trip to NZ some day though! It's on my toplist along with Dubai and Bhutan.

sup dude

I'm dunk

@Ronald-McDonald-LoL @YellowisCOOL I didn't expect you to reply that fast

I'm very surprising

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Thank you!

*goes on date with Chinese girl*


Zoo wee mama